

Sunday Worship services 9am & 11am

Vacation Bible School Registration is now open!!!!
VBS Week: June 23-27, 2025 (9:30 am - 1:30 pm)

All children age 4 (by June 1st) through rising 6th Graders (Fall 2025) are invited to join Trinity's VBS this summer. Registration Fee is $65 for first child and $55 for each additional child. Registration fee includes t-shirt for each child, one music CD for each family, daily snacks, crafts, science, games, songs, Bible stories and more!

Road Trip VBS is based on Joshua 1:9, "The Lord your God is with you wherever you go." This verse reminds us that God's presence is always near, no matter where the journey of life takes us. Road Trip! invites us on an exciting journey as we discover new places, new friends, and ways that we can discover Gods goodness and presence everywhere.

Scholarships are available. Before and After Care are available for an additional fee. Volunteers for week receive a discount on their child’s registration, parking, and child care for 3 and younger. Contact Allison Watkins for discount codes and any questions.

Find out more information and to register, click here.

Children's Ministry

Providing a loving community for children as they form the foundation of their Christian education

Children's Ministry welcomes, cherishes and values each child. We want your child to experience the wonder of worshiping god, grow in knowledge that comes from being nurtured and learn the lessons of Jesus - the One who loves and understands each of them thoroughly, gently, strongly and unquestionably. It is through God's love that children respond in love and catch the enthusiasm that arrives when we extend our faith in Jesus and become his disciples.

Sunday School

Nursery is open 8:45am-12:15pm every Sunday

9:00am & 9:30am

Toddlers (2’s & 3’s) – Orange Room

Monthly Bible stories and Bible verses are shared using a learning-center approach with colorful visuals, movement, songs, art activities, and more! 

PreK – 5th Grade – Purple Room

Sunday school designed for all kids together in one classroom for varying ages. Children will hear the Bible story and then join age-appropriate activities. 



 Toddlers (2’s & 3’s) – Orange Room

Monthly Bible stories and Bible verses are shared using a learning-center approach with colorful visuals, movement, songs, art activities, and more! 


PreK – 2nd Grade – Purple Room

Children will experience Bible stories and explore the theme from many angles: art, cooking, games, missions, science, spiritual   practices, and storytelling.


3rd- 5th Grade – Red Room

Children will dive deeper into learning how to use their Bibles with lessons, games, and fun 



Contact: Allison Watkins at

Click on each picture for more information:


Children & Holy Communion

Learn more about how children at Trinity participate in Holy Communion here.

Get Involved

Children, from birth through fifth grade, are an active part of Trinity’s Children’s Ministry. Our volunteers show each child that they are beloved to God and valued as a part of Trinity’s church family. Reach out to Allison for more information.