Trinity United Methodist Church Leadership
Trinity United Methodist Church is blessed to have a leadership team who are truly dedicated to Christ and accomplishing His will.
Ken Brown
Senior Pastor
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x15
Hometown: Burlington, NC
Joined Trinity Staff: 2018
"Don’t lay down your convictions for the sake of peace and quiet - your voice matters."
AJ Bush
Pastor of Congregational & Community Engagement
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x27
Hometown: Grand Junction, CO
Joined Trinity Staff: 2023
Louis Sullivan
Director of Business Administration
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x33
Hometown: Rockland County, NY | Panama City, Panama
Joined Trinity Staff: 2020
Allison Watkins
Director of Children's Ministry
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x22
Hometown: Littleton, CO
Joined Trinity Staff: 2013
"Knowing that we can be loved exactly as we are gives us all the opportunity for growing into the healthiest of people." —Fred Rogers
Jerome Síbulo
Director of Music & Arts Ministry
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x17
Hometown: Quezon City, Philippines
Joined Trinity Staff: 2020
"It is the time that you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (from The Little Prince)
Taylor Gonzales
Associate Director of Music & Arts Ministry | Chancel Choir Director
e: | t:303-839-1493 X16
Hometown: Bend, OR
Joined Trinity Staff: 2021
Mary Soroka
Executive Ministry Assistant
e: | t: 303-839-1493 x13
Hometown: Denver, CO
Joined Trinity Staff: 2018
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." - Maya Angelou
Rebecca Braun
Operations Coordinator
e: | t: 303-839-1493 X10
Hometown: Denver, CO
Joined Trinity Staff: 2025
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed; never throw out anyone." - Audrey Hepburn
Marcos Reyes
Marketing & Communications Director
e: | 303-839-1493 X11
Hometown: Miami, FL
Joined Trinity Staff: 2024
"Fly to carry each his burden, we are young despite the years;
We are concerned, we are hope despite the times" R.E.M.
Christina Jacoby
Chancel Choir Assistant | Children's Music Director
e: | t: 303-839-1493 X16
Joined Trinity Staff: 2023
Katie White
Chancel Choir Accompanist
e: | t:303-839-1493 X16
Joined Trinity Staff: 2023