
Sunday Worship services 9am & 11am

Music, Message, and Meaning

Welcome to Trinity Unlabeled, a fresh and authentic worship experience at 9 a.m. in our historic downtown sanctuary. This minimalist and organic service is designed to center your soul and inspire your spirit. With acoustic grooves ranging from ukulele to keys to Les Pauls, paired with soulful vocals, Trinity Unlabeled offers a thoughtful, grounded space to connect deeply with God and one another.

Rooted in the call to “do justice, love mercy,” this service emphasizes authenticity, reflection, and meaning. Whether you're seeking intimacy in worship or a moment of stillness in a busy world, Trinity Unlabeled invites you to come as you are and find your place in a community focused on worship, music, and message.


  • Authentic
  • Unplugged
  • Reflective
  • Soulful
  • Intimate
  • Grounded
  • Minimalist
  • Thoughtful
  • Inviting
  • Rooted
  • Centered
  • Organic

Come experience a worship service that moves beyond labels and centers on what truly matters—faith, hope, and love.